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Paylink Solutions Europe

Paylink Solutions Europe

What problem are we solving?

Financial services technology provider for banks and building societies that delivers digital affordability solutions to support their customers.

Our value proposition

Paylink is an expert at delivering technology across the collections and lending markets. Paylink Collections helps businesses fulfill regulatory requirements by gathering relevant data to understand customers’ affordability, including their incomings, outgoings and debts. The software save times, improves accuracy and maximises agent output – it drastically reduces the time it would take to acquire a full customer budget by traditional means. Paylink Lending enhances the traditional on-boarding lending journey. It provides a way for brokers, lenders and underwriters to digitally package lending applications within minutes - replacing the traditional postal and telephone method of packaging cases, which can sometimes take weeks to process.




Totemic Group

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Year of Foundation



Linconshire, England

Funding Stage

Series A

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